
Happiness Comes from Within – Not from Men

At 25, I’m still single. Not single now, but have always been single! This is something that my friends laugh about me and even I myself would laugh at it.

Now, I don’t want to sound desperate in this story but before I’ve finally figured out where exactly I am in my life now, I would admit that I thought of myself wrongly in the past. Just because I’ve always been single then I thought something is really wrong with me. I am not attractive, not a really good package that one can have. Then I would say, ‘if they don’t want me, then fine!!’ which sounds bitter. Lol!

I don’t understand why those ‘unlucky guys‘(joking) didn’t make it ’til the end. In short, they easily gave up and thought that I’m not interested at all. Isn’t it that men are the hunter and they should chase their woman? I don’t mean to see them in the state of desperation but isn’t it nice if they should at least put more effort? They have not given their best to get my ‘precious yes’ and I’m kind of irritated when I think of this before. Forgive me.

But praise God that I am single until now. If I wasn’t, I could not have done the things which I enjoyed doing while I am single. I might have forgotten to put Jesus first in everything I did because there was someone who might have played tricks in my feelings. I could not forgive myself for that.


I might have refused to help my siblings pay for their tuition fees because I have to save my money for a weekend date or for my makeup, nice dress and other stuff which I might have thought a guy would appreciate about me. Gosh! I couldn’t imagine myself in that state either!

Movie time with my family

I could have missed those happy moments of eating and shopping with my dearest nieces and nephew which sent wide smiles on their cute faces. I could have missed the day when they first learned how to walk and the day when they gave up on toddlers milk bottle. There’s no way I could have missed that!

I might have missed going to far places for the sake of the mission. I could have missed praying for the sick and the hopeless. I may not have learned singing and dancing for the Lord. There are countless joyful moments that I could have missed if I have entered into an unplanned relationship many years ago.

YFJ - Children Ministry at Igbaras, Iloilo
YoungFlamesforJesus – Children’s Ministry at Igbaras, Iloilo

And now, I found out that God didn’t want me to have regrets with my relationships. He has prepared something special for me. And that is for sure.

Yes, I’ve been attracted to some good guys I’ve met and the good thing is knowing that some would feel the same way. Whoah! Lol! However, my Father says it’s not yet the right time. God was being serious about hearing my prayers way back in college. When I met someone I get attracted to, I would pray that He would correct my feelings. I would not forget praying to Him not to allow me to have a boyfriend until I finish my degree and get a fine job. I want my family to be in a good condition before I get swayed by the right man. I never imagined God was listening intently to that simple prayers. Praise Him!

Whoever that man God has prepared for me, I will patiently save all my love for him. And someday, we’ll both go up in love with each other – everyday…